Starting An Etsy Shop Checklist PDF (Free Download 2024)

Starting an etsy shop checklist
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If you are thinking to open an Etsy store, this free starting an Etsy shop checklist PDF is for you!

Whether you are selling printables or physical products, this checklist will guide you through the process of starting your own Etsy shop, from registering your seller account to setting up your shop page.

Even more, I’ve included some quick tips and free templates to help you get started on the right foot.

Etsy can be a great platform for selling printables, physical products, and custom cervices. If you are still not sure about what to sell on Etsy, be sure to check out my post on the best things to sell on Etsy and Etsy shop ideas for some inspiration.

If you need a detailed step by step guide on starting an Etsy shop, this post on how to sell on Etsy is for you.

This website contains affiliate links which means we may earn commissions if you purchase through them (no extra cost to you). You can read our policies here.

starting an etsy shop checklist pdf
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This starting an Etsy shop checklist PDF blog post also covers quick steps for starting an Etsy shop, and by using this Etsy shop checklist together with the other resources I’ve linked to, you should be able to get your Etsy shop up and running in no time!

Boring Important Stuff

The legal structure you choose for your business will impact how much you pay in taxes and your personal liability.

This company is one of the most reputed and trusted corporations that has helped over 500,000 business owners since 2004. You can register your business for as little as $0 + state fees and no contracts or fees.

Don’t take this decision lightly—talk to a business registrar to help you choose the best option for your business.

I also recommend using accounting software like FreshBooks to make it easier to track your expenses and income. It’s currently on sale for new business owners.

Etsy shop checklist PDF

Here are the steps for starting your Etsy shop with a checklist at the bottom.

Step 1. Sign Up for an Etsy Seller Account 

The first step is to create an Etsy account. Use this link to create your seller account. It also includes 40 free listings ($8 value).

If you do not want to open your shop today, you can create a free account and come back later to open your shop.

Step 2: Set Your Shop Preferences

You’ll need to provide certain information about your business when you create a shop.

opening etsy shop
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Shop Language: Your shop’s primary language

Shop Country:  Country where shop is located

Shop Currency: The currency in which you will list your products is important. You will be charged a conversion fee if the currencies are different.

Time Commitment: Whether you’ll be a full-time or part-time seller is up to you. (This is just for information’s sake and will have no impact on your business).

Step 3: Opening your shop 

Choose a unique shop name

For name ideas, you can use your own name, a combination of words, or something that represents what you will be selling.

starting an etsy shop steps
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Check this post to learn how to name your shop. In general you must must follow these guidelines:

  • Should be between 4-20 characters in length.
  • Spaces or unusual characters are not allowed.
  • Unique and not in use by other shops
  • It does not breach any registered trademarks.

You can also start with any name (if you are not so sure) and come back to change your shop name but remember that you can change the shop name only once. 

Step 4. Create a listing

Before setting up your shop, Etsy requires you to create at least one listing.

Use these steps to list your product on Etsy.

Not ready? Your listing doesn’t have to be perfect for the first time, and you can edit or pause it just after opening your shop.

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Take product photos from different angles: Read Etsy guidelines for perfect Etsy photos.

Create listing images: Use my Etsy image sizing guide to learn Etsy listing photo size and grab my free Etsy listing templates.

canva etsy listing photo
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Here are the rest of steps to list your product:

  • Write SEO friendly Title
  • Upload photos
  • Fill in the product details
  • Choose shipping options
  • Set a fair price
  • Add all 13 tags
  • Upload files (for digital products)
  • Save as a draft or publish

Step 5: Setup Your Billing And Payment Account

In this step, you will choose how you want to get paid by Etsy. Provide your business structure, business details and tax number (if required, based on your country).

etsy shop step
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If Etsy Payments (preferred method) is available in your country, you can use it to receive payments from customers all over the world.

You can also use PayPal if it isn’t accessible.

Add billing info: Add your bank and credit card details so Etsy can charge you for selling on its platform.

Not sure about Etsy charges? Read more about Etsy fees and charges here.

Click save. Your Etsy shop is live now! You can go back and edit the listing you created (if it was a dummy listing).

Step 6. Set up your shop

It’s time to set up your Etsy shop to make it look more professional and trustworthy.

Create policies

Include your refund policy, shipping time for domestic and international refund policy, terms & conditions, or any other important info based on your product.

These are important to build trust as a new seller and get Etsy sales.

Add your Etsy shop banner

There are two different types of Etsy shop banner sizes you can use. Choose the one that represents your brand best.

If you need some inspiration to create your shop banner, check these shop banner ideas with real examples and free banner templates.

Etsy shop banner size
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Add a shop icon/logo

This will be the small image that appears to the left of your shop. Etsy shop icon size is 500px x 500px. You can create yourself with a free Canva or hire a freelancer.

Add a shop title

A shop title is a short text that appears under your shop name. This shop title represents your shop, your brand or company motto.

I have a detailed article on creating a perfect Etsy shop title with real examples that can help you in crafting your shop title.

Add seller photo and details

On the right, there is an option to add seller photo and bio. You can use your photo or create a logo/icon for yourself. 

Fill about us section

This section appears at the bottom of your shop page.

You can use this as an opportunity to tell your story, share your process, or anything else that potential customers might want to know about you and your business, like your team members, website, and your shop’s social media pages.

Create announcement

 You can welcome new buyers or announce special sales, coupons or new products in this section. You can also leave it blank for now and come back later.

Social media profiles

Create social media pages and link to your Etsy shop. Etsy allows you to directly post on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

I have a few free Pinterest templates for Etsy sellers that you can use with your free Canva account. I use Canva pro as I find it very time savvy and help me organize my digital downloads for Etsy.

Etsy connects to social media
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That’s it! You’ve successfully set up your Etsy shop. You can add more listings and promote your shop.

Starting An Etsy Shop Checklist PDF

Click below to download your free copy of the printable Etsy Shop Checklist and use this link to get free 40 listings (for new sellers).

You can even bookmark this post for later or pin it on your favorite selling on the Etsy business Pinterest board.

Click here to download your free Starting An Etsy Shop Checklist PDF

What Next?

If you are looking for quick tips to get first few sales on Etsy, check this actionable article on how I got my first few sales.

Running a sale or offering coupons is also a good way to attract new customers. I have a helpful article on how to run Etsy sale or create exclusive coupons.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. I will be happy to help you.

And don’t forget to download the PDF version of this checklist so you can have it handy while setting up your shop.

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1 thought on “Starting An Etsy Shop Checklist PDF (Free Download 2024)”

  1. This post is an amazing read. Thank you so much for sharing it. I’ve been thinking about opening an Etsy shop for years, but never know where to start and get completely overwhelmed. I love how you stepped it out for us. I am for sure going to be reading your other posts. Thank you again.

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