Selling on Facebook marketplace is a great way to get rid of things you no longer need and make some extra money. Many people use this marketplace to re-sell things they have bought at lower prices elsewhere.
I’ve sold a lot of items on the Fb marketplace and based on my experience, I can tell you that Facebook marketplace is one of the best online marketplaces to sell your stuff, provided you know the dos and don’ts of selling on Facebook.
Whether you are selling to declutter or flip items for profit, learning Facebook marketplace selling etiquette is essential for making the selling process smooth for yourself and the buyer.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss a few things to keep in mind while selling on the Facebook marketplace, including topics such as item listing, pricing, shipping, and communication. I am sure these tips for selling on Facebook Marketplace will help you sell your stuff easily.
What is Facebook Marketplace?
Facebook marketplace is a feature on Facebook where users can directly buy and sell items to one another in their area.
To list an item on marketplace, you will need to take a photo of what you are selling, write a description, and set a selling price. Once approved, your listing will appear to people in your area who might be interested in what you’re selling.
Is Facebook Marketplace worth selling on?
Indeed, Facebook helped me sell hundreds of items in one month when I relocated from the US to Australia. If Facebook was not there, I wouldn’t have been able to sell as many things in such a short period and make over $5000 in cash.
Launched in 2016, the Facebook marketplace has become one of the primary ways to sell items due to its high user database and ease of use. Its integration with Facebook Messenger makes it easy for buyers and sellers to quickly communicate with each other, discuss the item for sale or set up a meeting.
Unlike Craigslist, you can look at the Facebook profile of the person you are dealing with, making it relatively safe to buy and sell items on Facebook.
But it’s not just me; Rob and Mellissa are one of the most popular flippers on Facebook who have made more than $10,000 selling on FB. They have a huge community of flippers who sell for profit on FB. If you think you are not cut for this, just look at these sellers.
Now that we know what Facebook marketplace is, let’s move on to Facebook marketplace selling etiquette.
Related reading:
- Best things to sell on Facebook marketplace
- How to make money flipping pallets?
- Things to sell to make quick cash
- How to sell on Gumtree (Best tips)
- 1. Be honest about your Listing
- 2. Add details to save your and the buyer’s time
- 3. Pricing and negotiations
- 4. Respond to inquiries promptly
- 5. Set realistic expectations
- 6. Ensure your item is ready to be picked up
- 7. Follow the "First come, first serve" rule
- 8. Don't judge someone just because he is buying a used item!
- 9. Respect privacy
- 10. Meet and greet
- 11. Be ready to demonstrate the item
- 12. Keep the change (for your own good)
- 13. Keep communication clear
- 14. Be flexible with buyers
- 15. Time vs. money
Best Facebook Marketplace Selling Etiquette For sellers
Although there are no hard and fast rules set for selling on FB marketplace, knowing some etiquette will help you sell effectively and efficiently and become a successful seller resulting in more sales and less hassle.
And some of these tips can help you maintain your sanity while dealing with different sorts of people you will come across.
1. Be honest about your Listing
When you are listing an item, be truthful about its condition. Make sure to mention any damages or defects in the listing and show them in the photos.
Facebook has 4 options to choose from. Select the most accurate one. It is how I would rate the condition of most items I sell:
- New: Means the item has never been used.
- Used Like New: No wear but has been used before.
- Used-Good Condition: Means the item has some wear but is still in good condition.
- Used-Fair: This means the item is well-worn and may have significant damage but is still usable.
If you are not honest about the condition of your item, you will likely get negative feedback from buyers, and it can damage your reputation as a seller.
2. Add details to save your and the buyer’s time
Make sure to add as many details as possible when writing the description for your listing. It includes things like dimensions, weight, color, material, etc.
Doing this will save you time by having to answer a lot of general questions and also helps buyers make a decision more quickly whether or not they want to buy the item.
3. Pricing and negotiations
When deciding on a price, take into account the condition of the item and transportation costs (if applicable). Don’t try to overprice your items just because you think someone will be willing to pay more.
At the same time, don’t underprice your items because you want them to sell quickly. Look at similar listings to get an idea of what a fair price would be.
If you are not sure, start with a slightly higher price and be open to negotiating. Just write: “OBO (or best offer)” or “open for negotiations.”
If you are not comfortable with negotiating, you can always write a “price firm” or “no negotiation.”
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What should you do if a buyer asks for a discount?
If a buyer asks for a discount, it is up to you whether or not you want to give them one. If you are willing to negotiate, be sure to set a price that you are both comfortable with.
4. Respond to inquiries promptly
Once you post your listing, you will start getting messages from potential buyers. It is important to respond to these messages promptly. The sooner you respond, the more likely you are to make a sale. If you take too long to respond, buyers will move on to someone else who is more responsive.
This is especially important when the buyer is ready to purchase the item or heading towards you for the pick up.
5. Set realistic expectations
When setting up a listing, be realistic about things like delivery time, meet-up times, etc. You don’t want to disappoint buyers by not showing up on time or not having the item ready when they arrive.
If you are realistic with buyers, they will be more likely to use your services again in the future.
If you are not able to meet a buyer’s expectations, try to be flexible and work out a solution that works for both of you.
6. Ensure your item is ready to be picked up
Once you have sold an item, make sure it is ready to be picked up. This means cleaning it (if necessary), gathering its accessories (if applicable), and having it in a visible and easily accessible location.
It also includes checking to ensure the item is in the same condition as when you listed it. If there are any damages or defects that were not originally disclosed, you may have to refund the buyer or give them a discount.
7. Follow the “First come, first serve” rule
When selling on Facebook Marketplace, it is crucial to follow the “first come, first serve” rule meaning that the first person to message you about an item gets priority over other buyers.
If someone contacts you about an item and you are already in negotiation with another buyer, let him know that someone is already interested, and you will get back to him if the deal falls through. Do not string along multiple buyers for the same item.
How do you handle multiple buyers on Facebook marketplace?
If you are selling a popular item, you may have multiple buyers interested in purchasing it. In this case, it is best to sell to the first buyer who contacts you and agrees to your price and pick-up terms.
If the first one is not ready to pay the price you listed, you can move to the next buyer in the queue who is willing to pay your asking amount.
It is also a good idea to have a backup plan in place, just in case the first buyer backs out of the sale.
Here is how you can communicate this to the interested buyers:
“Thank you for your interest in my (item). I have had several people interested in it and unfortunately can only sell it to one person. You are 3rd in the queue. If the first two buyers fall through, I will be sure to contact you. Thank you for your understanding.”
How do I refuse to hold the items?
Sometimes buyers agree to purchase an item but they do not show up or respond to my messages. It is very common and happened to me as well. Therefore, I prefer to deal with buyers willing to pick the item first.
Below are one of the examples to refuse holding the item:
If you really want to hold items, wait for a reasonable amount of time only. After that, it is fair to move on to the next buyer. Just tell them upfront that you won’t be holding the item after the agreed pick-up time.
Do not hold items too long! (Tip based on my personal experience)
And yes, if you agree to hold an item for someone, make sure you do not sell it to someone else. It is just rude and unprofessional- don’t be that person!
What if the buyer backs out last minute?
If a buyer backs out of a sale at the last minute, it can be frustrating. However, it is important to remember that things happen, and people sometimes change their minds. Just move on to the next buyer and try not to take it personally!
8. Don’t judge someone just because he is buying a used item!
People buy things used all the time, and it does not make them any less of a person.
You may be surprised at how many people prefer to buy things secondhand. I also prefer buying used items sometimes because it is usually cheaper and I like to support recycling. (And you don’t have to assemble the item.)
9. Respect privacy
When selling on Facebook marketplace, you will likely be dealing with people who are not your friends or family. You should always respect the privacy of others and not share their personal information with anyone else.
If you are visiting someone’s home, be sure to respect their property and do not snoop around.
10. Meet and greet
It is good to greet buyers and thank them for their purchase/interest, even if you are talking to them online. Remember, we are all human, and a little courtesy goes a long way!
I have seen people get upset with sellers who are rude or unprofessional. I is always best to be polite and professional when selling. If you provide a positive selling experience, the buyer is more likely to come back to you in the future.
11. Be ready to demonstrate the item
If you are selling a product that needs to be demonstrated, like a TV or vacuum, be sure to have everything ready before the buyer arrives.
I always set up mine in the garage due to privacy reasons, but if you are comfortable letting the buyer into your home, that is perfectly fine too! Buyers are also more comfortable seeing the product in an open space like a garage.
It is also a good idea to have all the accessories with you so that buyers can see what all is included. It is very frustrating for buyers to wait while you search for these things, so do yourself (and them) a favor and have everything ready ahead of time.
And just be sure to have the product in working condition and ready to go before the buyer arrives.
12. Keep the change (for your own good)
When selling on Facebook marketplace, it is always a good thing to keep some loose dollars. For example, if selling an item for $7, it would be helpful to keep $3 in change with you.
It may seem like a small thing, but it can save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run. And you would be surprised at how often people try to lowball sellers by offering them a lower bill saying, ‘oh, I only have $5 or $10.’
If you keep the change, you can avoid these situations altogether.
13. Keep communication clear
When selling on Facebook marketplace, it is important to keep communication open and clear. It includes agreeing on a price, item condition, meeting place, and time before finalizing the sale.
If there are any issues, be sure to bring them to the seller’s attention before completing the transaction.
In case of any of these plans change, inform the buyer as soon as possible.
14. Be flexible with buyers
As I mentioned before, it is always best to be willing to work with buyers. It includes being willing to meet them in a convenient location, at a time that works for them, and understanding if they need to cancel or reschedule.
The more flexible you are, the easier it will be to sell your item. Don’t behave like a grumpy seller; it will only make buyers less likely to want to work with you.
15. Time vs. money
When selling on Facebook marketplace, you will need to decide whether you want to make more money or save time. It is up to you to decide what is more important to you.
Sometimes, it would not be a bad idea to accept an offer of lower price in order to save time. For example, if you are selling a used item for long and the buyer is only willing to pay $40, you may want to accept the offer and move on.
It is up to you to decide what’s more important: time or money. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, and you should use your best judgment in each situation.
Final thoughts on Facebook Marketplace Etiquette
By following these simple tips, you can make sure that your selling experience on Facebook marketplace is a positive one! As long as you are polite and respectful, selling on Facebook marketplace can be a great experience for both you and the buyer.
Just follow these simple selling on Facebook marketplace etiquette and tips, and you should have no problem having a successful sale.
Are there any tips you want to add? Let us know in comments.